It feels surreal to even say it, but I’ll be 30 next year. *cringes* While the years have seemed to flown by I’ve gotta admit that I’m kinda looking forward to beginning a new phase of my life. With this new journey one of my focuses is to maintain a healthy lifestyle from the inside out, starting with my skin.Your skin is your personal canvas to the world and is a reflection of how well we treat it. No matter how old you are; it is important to understand that it’s never too late to get a healthy, glowing and more youthful complexion. Here are a few anti-aging tips to get your skincare routine back on track.
1. Start with a Clean Slate
One of the most important things you can do to promote a youthful appearance is to make sure that your skin is properly cleansed. There are many techniques to accomplish this; you can start simple by using an organic or natural soap and plain water. Organic soaps are usually free from man-made fragrances and chemicals that can irritate your skin. Another great resource to clean, fresh skin is making your own cleanser.  Try warmed milk, a pinch of olive oil and honey; the combination of these simple ingredients help gently strip away impurities without drying out your skin like regular soap can. You can also try over the counter cleansing products, just make sure you look for products specific to your skin type.
2. Exfoliate
Sometimes cleansing just isn’t enough. Exfoliating your skin a few times a week removes dead skin cells and impurities, revealing a smoother surface. The good thing about exfoliants is that they aren’t just for your face, you can lather up in the shower and literally scrub away the grime. You can also use an over the counter exfoliant or make your own. For a  simple at-home recipe try dry oatmeal, almond oil, sea salt and fresh mint.
3. Hydrate and Moisturize 
Remember that your skin needs to be replenished just as much as you do. When our body is thirsty we drink water, think of your skin in the same way. When your skin is dry or dull it needs moisture in order to stay hydrated and looking radiant. A great moisturizer can prevent or repair aging factors such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne, flaky skin and even crows feet. Your skin needs something to penetrate deep into your pores in order to reveal a youthful complexion. You also want to choose a moisturizer that is specific for your skin type. I have oily skin and for the longest time I thought that by skipping the moisturizer I could prevent the oil from building up, but boy was I wrong! Your skin will only feel dehydrated and will overcompensate by producing more oil. (yikes!) The key to managing oily skin is to trick your skin into thinking it has enough moisture by using an oil free formula, there are even moisturizers that have a matte finish. No matter your skin type, there is a moisturizer just for you.
4. Give The Makeup a Break
This may be a tough one to digest for some but when it comes to our face one of the key elements to a youthful appearance is to just let it breathe! Makeup can clog pores and cause acne. I personally don’t wear it often but if you are one of those lovely people who just can’t live without your foundation try this tip; instead of applying a full coverage foundation, use a tinted moisturizer or a bronzer. Both products are lightweight and leave your skin breathable and less vulnerable to breakouts. There are even foundations on the market that promote skin health and claim to fight blemishes!
5. Read Ingredients
In this day in age being product savvy simply isn’t enough. You have to know what’s inside your products and how they work. Most over the counter products consist of ingredients that are hard to pronounce. A few ingredients that you should definitely stay away from or at least think carefully about putting onto your body are mineral oils and alcohols. Mineral Oils clog up your pores with excessive oils and toxins, which make it hard for the skin to get rid of it. Mineral oils tend to increase your chances of oily and acne prone skin. Alcohols you will find in a considerable amount of products and can leave your skin irritated and dry. The alcohol actually reduces the natural oils we all have in our skin, with extensive use of products with high levels can in some cases cause aging to the skin. Some of the alcohol products to pay close attention to are isopropyl, benzyl, and ethanol.
6. Reinforce a Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle changes are the most difficult things to incorporate in our lives. The goal to youthful skin can be as simple as changing the way you eat, exercise and reestablishing better sleeping habits. Believe it or not getting your beauty rest is not a myth. Stress hormones suppress the immune system and accelerate the aging process, so when our bodies don’t get enough rest you could be indirectly increasing your chances of aged skin. While you sleep your body goes through a repairing process that stimulates cell turnover. As busy as our lives may be, a good 8 hours of rest can get your skin back to its natural glow!